
Some examples of Docsy in action!

One of the best ways to see what Docsy can do, and learn how to configure a site with it, is to see some real projects. In addition to our provided Docsy Example Project, there are several live sites already using the theme. Please add your own examples once you’ve got a production site up and running with Docsy!

Docsy theme examples

Example sites that have low to no customization:

Site Repo (if public)
This Docsy documentation site https://github.com/google/docsy
“Goldydocs” - a Docsy example site https://github.com/google/docsy-example
https://www.kubeflow.org/ https://github.com/kubeflow/website
https://agones.dev/site/ https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/agones/tree/master/site
https://googlecontainertools.github.io/kpt/ https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/tree/master/docs
Navidrome Music Server https://github.com/navidrome/website
https://docs.agilebase.co.uk/ https://github.com/okohll/abdocs
https://jvmperf.net/ https://github.com/cchesser/java-perf-workshop
gRPC https://github.com/grpc/grpc.io

Customized Docsy examples

Example sites that include a moderate to high amount of customization:

Site Repo (if public)
Knative https://github.com/knative/docs and https://github.com/knative/website
Apache Airflow https://github.com/apache/airflow-site/
Docsy Just Docs https://github.com/LisaFC/justdocs
Thunderhead Engineering Product Support https://gitlab.com/tecidev/support (private)
Kubernetes https://github.com/kubernetes/website

Last modified February 1, 2021: Add gRPC (b8adda5)